We guarantee that our Quality Assurance (QA) services for hospice and palliative care home health services meticulously pinpoint issues and outline precise actions to address any discrepancies with state and federal regulatory guidelines.
My team will diligently identify and implement a personalized action plan to permanently rectify any items or issues that do not adhere to CMS guidelines.
We use exclusive auditing software to pinpoint any potential problems that could be causing your organization significant financial losses. Upon discovering these issues, you'll see that our services more than justify their cost.
Cost and fees determined after your initial, NO COST, consultation.
Our file & chart audits include, but are not limited to: infection and incident logs, emergency preparedness binder, on-call and complaint logs, missed visits review, volunteer hours tracking, and bereavement program compliance evaluation.
Our assessments include, but are not limited to:
Our implementations include, but are not limited to:
Survey readiness:
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